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South Pars/North Dome Gas Field Development Project – Phase 14

Project Specification

South Pars/North Dome gas field is the world’s largest gas field that is located on the joint borderline between Iran and Qatar, the gas reserves of this huge gas field comprise about 8% of the total gas reserves of the world.

14th development phase of South Pars Gas Field is one of the most complex phases of this huge gas field with plan to 2 BSCFPD Production Capacity.

This phase offshore part includes:

  • 21 wells including drilling of 15 new wells plus 6 wells in SPD2 platform, phase 1
  • 4 Offshore platforms including 2 main platforms and 2 satellite platforms.
  • Two 32” pipes to transfer gas from the main platforms to the onshore processing unit, 260km in total with two 4.5” pipelines for MEG injection
  • Two 18” infield pipelines to transfer gas from the satellite platforms to the main platforms inlet, totaling 12km.

In addition, the offshore process unit to process the following products:

  • 50 MSCMPD of refined gas
  • 1100000 tons per year of liquefied gas
  • 77000 barrels per day of gas condensates
  • 1000000 Tons per year of Ethane gas to feed the petrochemical plants
  • 400000000 Tons per day Sulfur as a by-product of gas sweetening process

Engaged Parties

  • POGC (Project Owner)
  • GL (TPA)
  • IDRO (Consortium Leader)
  • IPMI (EPC Contractor – Consortium Member)
  • MAPNA (EPC Contractor – Consortium Member)
  • PAYANDAN (EPC Contractor – Consortium Member)
  • MSA (Equipment Manufacturing Party – Consortium Member)
  • ISOICO (Offshore EPC Contractor – Consortium Member)
  • IOEC (Offshore EPC Contractor – Consortium Member)
  • NIDC (Drilling Contractor – Consortium Member)



Project Goals

  • System Integration: Establish a comprehensive system that seamlessly integrates every phase of the EPC project, from initiation to handover.
  • Stakeholder Integration: Facilitate collaboration among all project stakeholders, including the client, third-party administrators, the consortium leader, EPC contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers.
  • Interface Management: Implement effective management of interfaces to ensure clear communication and coordination across various project segments.
  • Centralized Data Hub: Develop a unified platform that serves as the single source of truth for all project information, ensuring consistency and accuracy in data across all levels.
  • Project Governance Enhancement: Improve project governance by digitizing project processes and incorporating integrated approval workflows for all involved parties.





The project encountered unique challenges distinct from those of typical projects. The primary issues stemmed from the necessity of effectively integrating and facilitating communication among various stakeholders, alongside managing the interfaces between each entity.

The project’s complex information flow was further complicated by a hierarchical structure designed for the upward movement of data—from subcontractors to main EPC contractors, then to the consortium leader, and finally to the client. This structure, combined with the fact that each company maintained its own data boundaries, heightened the sensitivity around data privacy concerns.

Given these conditions, the primary challenges encountered included:

  • Number of EPC Consortium Parties and Integration Needs: The 14th Development Phase of South Pars involved multiple parties forming a consortium to undertake the project. Each party likely brought its own expertise, resources, and possibly even objectives to the table. Integrating the efforts, aligning goals, and ensuring smooth collaboration among these parties would have been a significant challenge. This integration would involve coordinating activities, managing communication channels, and resolving any conflicts or differences in approach or priorities.
  • Complexity of Interfaces Between Parties: With multiple parties involved, each contributing to different aspects of the project, the interfaces between them would have been complex. This complexity could arise from differences in technical standards, data formats, communication protocols, and project management methodologies. Ensuring seamless interaction and interoperability between these interfaces would have required careful planning, standardization, and possibly the development of custom solutions or middleware.
  • Deep Relationship Between This Phase and Other Phases of South Pars Development: The 14th Development Phase of South Pars is just one part of a larger development effort. The success and smooth execution of this phase would have been crucially linked to the progress and outcomes of other phases. Dependencies could exist in terms of resource availability, infrastructure development, regulatory approvals, and market dynamics. Coordinating activities across different phases while maintaining alignment with overall project objectives would have posed a significant challenge.
  • Implementing All Modules in Eight Companies with Completely Different Cultures: The involvement of eight companies, each with its own organizational culture, work practices, and management styles, adds another layer of complexity to the project. Integrating these diverse cultures and ensuring alignment towards common project goals would have required effective leadership, communication, and cultural sensitivity. Overcoming differences in decision-making processes, communication norms, and work ethics would have been essential for fostering collaboration and achieving project success.
  • Huge Scale of Data Storage and Transfer: Given the massive scale of the South Pars project, which involves extensive exploration, drilling, production, and distribution activities, the volume of data generated would be enormous. Managing this data effectively, including storage, retrieval, analysis, and transfer, presents a significant challenge. This challenge is compounded by the need to ensure data security, integrity, and accessibility across multiple locations and parties involved in the project. Implementing robust data management systems, leveraging advanced technologies such as cloud computing and big data analytics, and adhering to industry best practices would have been essential to address this challenge effectively.





The challenges encountered in this project necessitated a strategic and innovative approach, focusing on enhancing collaboration, communication, and integration among the various stakeholders involved.

Leveraging the capabilities of the Rhyton EPC Management System provided a structured and effective solution to address these challenges. Here’s how the Rhyton system facilitated overcoming the outlined issues:

  • Unified Project Management Platform: Utilize Rhyton EPC management system, to facilitate seamless collaboration among consortium parties. Through Rhyton, stakeholders can access real-time project data, enabling transparency and alignment towards common objectives. This approach Facilitates seamless integration of different teams by providing a common platform for project tracking, reporting, and communication. This reduces misunderstandings and aligns goals across the board.
  • Simplified Interfaces: Rhyton simplifies interfaces between parties by providing standardized data formats and interoperability capabilities. Customizable dashboards and reporting tools ensure smooth communication and collaboration across diverse systems. To achieve this we used a middleware software that could seamlessly integrate different IT systems, data formats, and communication protocols used by various parties ensuring compatibility and interoperability between different systems, reducing the risk of data silos and enhancing the flow of information across the project.
  • Holistic Project Management: Rhyton offers a holistic view of the entire project lifecycle, enabling stakeholders to track dependencies and optimize resource allocation across different phases. Its comprehensive features enhance alignment with overall project objectives.
  • Cultural Bridging: Rhyton bridges cultural differences among consortium parties by providing multilingual support and customizable user roles. Training and support resources promote a shared understanding of project goals and processes.
  • Scalable Data Management: Rhyton addresses the challenge of data storage and transfer at scale through its robust infrastructure and advanced data management capabilities. Cloud technology ensures secure storage and accessibility of project data, while analytics tools enable data-driven decision-making.

Through the implementation of the Rhyton EPC Management System, the project team effectively navigated the unique challenges of this mega project. The strategic use of Rhyton’s innovative technologies and collaborative features underscored the importance of structured planning and collaborative effort in achieving project success.



  • Engineering Documents Management System
  • Purchasing Engineering
  • Construction Engineering
  • Purchasing Management
  • Field Material Control
  • Construction Management
  • Weld and NDT Management
  • Work Order and Work Permit Management
  • Pre-commissioning
  • Archiving